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Steakhouse Logo Ideas:



Steakhouse logo for a business called Prime & Dine. Edit

Bright red whets the appetite, getting customers excited to try your restaurant. This realistic bull stares out of the logo with pride and determination, hinting at your steakhouse's desire to be the best. Meanwhile, the dynamic rhythm of the Alegreya Sans SC typeface adds energy to this otherwise static design that complements the color palette.

Steakhouse logo for a business called Prime & Dine. Edit

The emblematic style of this logo gives the design a sense of prestige and tradition, while the star suggests quality and excellence. The strength and neutrality of the Public Sans typeface complements the bold design, while the black, white, and orange color palette adds a sense of sophistication, power, and a touch of creativity.

Steakhouse logo for a business called Prime & Dine. Edit

The summery Lato typeface brings a sense of warmth to the design while also providing a strong, stable presence that complements the bold abstract design. This icon resembles the head of a cow, hinting at your steakhouse without reminding customers what they're eating. The dark red draws attention, creating a sense of passion and confidence.

Steakhouse logo for a business called Prime & Dine. Edit

Dark gray creates a neutral base on which to build your brand, while also providing a cool elegance to this design. The seemingly blazing cow's head over traditional tools used for grilling clearly highlights your business niche, while the stars show the excellence of your food. The industrial Zilla Slab typeface complements the look of the logo.

Steakhouse logo for a business called Prime & Dine. Edit

Purple will help your brand to stand out from the crowd, conveying the creativity and the extravagance of your steak dishes. The charging bull brings a sense of strength and confidence, hinting at the restaurant niche but also conveying the strength and confidence of your business. The rounded Fredoka One typeface softens the logo with some fun.

Steakhouse logo for a business called Prime & Dine. Edit

The woodblock style Sancreek typeface, designed for web use, optimizes your logo for use in online marketing. The herb beside the cut of meat hints at perfectly seasoned and cooked steaks, while bright red brings to mind a medium-rare steak, whetting the appetite and encouraging customers to try your steakhouse's offerings.

Steakhouse logo for a business called Prime & Dine. Edit

The sweeping slashes of the Playball typeface give this design a pleasingly athletic look and add dynamic energy to the design. The vitality, strength, and energy of red-orange shines against the dark background, drawing attention to the spatula in the negative space. This bull icon and cooking utensil showcase your steakhouse niche.

Steakhouse logo for a business called Prime & Dine. Edit

Red and orange are bright colors that draw attention, whetting the appetite and conveying the creativity of your menu and the happiness your customers will feel. The flame above the cooking utensils suggests a steakhouse specializing in flame grilled meals, while the rounded Dosis typeface offers a warm welcome to all customers.

Steakhouse logo for a business called Prime & Dine. Edit

The rough appearance of the Unlock typeface gives this logo a woodblock sign finish, granting the business an Old West, BBQ appeal that can work well for the décor. Wreaths and stars suggest a Michelin quality restaurant that prides itself on excellence, while tones of red whet the appetite and convey the passion and energy of your brand.

Steakhouse logo for a business called Prime & Dine. Edit

Cleavers beneath a bull icon may hint at a steakhouse that carves its own steaks fresh for each dinner. The soft curls of the Lily Script One typeface add a romantic connotation, suggesting that couples will experience romantic dinners at your steakhouse. Dark red conveys the courage to take your business to the top and exceed expectations.

Restaurant Logos

10 mouth-watering logos for your restaurant.


What are some famous steakhouse logos?

  • Texas Roadhouse.
  • Bennigan's Grill & Tavern.
  • The Big Texan.
  • Longhorn Steakhouse.
  • Morton's The Steakhouse.
  • Buffalo Grill.

Where can I find the best steakhouse logos?

You can create, edit, and download steakhouse logos for free on Zarla by clicking on "Edit" below one of our examples or by using our logo maker.

  1. Define your brand identity and target audience.
  2. Review existing steakhouse logos for inspiration.
  3. Experiment with different icons, colors, and typefaces using a logo maker.
  4. Consider a modern design trend with a handwritten typeface for an elegant, fancy appeal.
  5. Show your logo ideas to your inner circle and get feedback.
  6. Refine the top-ranked design based on the feedback and download it.

Why should my steakhouse logo be in PNG format?

PNG images can be downloaded with transparent backgrounds, which makes them ideal for branding. You can use Zarla's logo maker to download your steak restaurant logo in PNG format for free.

What are some good steakhouse logo images?

  • Cutlery or cooking utensils.
  • A flame.
  • A bull or cow's head.
  • A cut of steak.
  • Cleavers.

Is there a steakhouse logo font?

A common theme in steakhouse fonts is to use a woodblock style typeface, such as Unlock, Sancreek, or Homeplate. There is also a typeface called Steak House that features cartoon-style letters that look like they're on fire.

Where can I find a steakhouse logo idea for free?

Zarla offers a free logo maker that creates hundreds of logo design templates in seconds from just a few input keywords. Each template is customizable and can be downloaded for free.

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