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Social Media Logo Ideas:



Social media logo for a business called Social Magic. Edit

The icon in this logo appears to form a heart, showing that your business loves social media and puts care into your work. The black and white color scheme gives your business a feeling of sophistication and professionalism. The KoHo typeface is modern and subtly digital to match your industry.

Social media logo for a business called Social Magic. Edit

The Audiowide typeface used in this logo looks digital and modern, creating a minimalist look. The icon of a computer screen represents the digital sphere you work in. The shades of blue used symbolize coolness and calm, matching the formal tone of the other design elements.

Social media logo for a business called Social Magic. Edit

This logo is simple and sleek with the unique Staatliches typeface, which resembles a more analog text used in older operating systems. The orange background inspires enthusiasm and renewed energy, making potential clients eager to use your services. This logo will grab attention easily.

Social media logo for a business called Social Magic. Edit

The icon in this logo shows a trend graph skyrocketing through a computer screen, making an apt statement about the results of your services. The Ubuntu typeface is simple but unique, with a combination of rounded and pointed edges. The dark blue text creates a feeling of professionalism.

Social media logo for a business called Social Magic. Edit

The icon of a computer screen in front of a cloud could represent heavenly service or, more literally, cloud-based services. The starkness of the cloud icon against a blue background helps your logo to stand and put clients at ease, while the Overpass typeface draws attention to your business name.

Social media logo for a business called Social Magic. Edit

This cool design uses the icon of a paper plane to represent a message being sent into the world. This suggests that your social media business offers speedy and efficient services. The red color enhances the icon's energetic lines, while the Nico Moji typeface in blue gives the logo a modern look.

Social media logo for a business called Social Magic. Edit

The swish in front of a computer represents upward growth, showing customers that they will achieve their social media goals with your company. The color orange is associated with energy, giving this logo a boost of intrigue. The clean letters of the Saira Condensed typeface add legibility.

Social media logo for a business called Social Magic. Edit

The icon in this logo is retro and its resemblance to a mouse icon ties in well to an online-focused company. The colors used are cool and calming, making clients feel that they can trust your expertise. The Mitr typeface is eye-catching, thanks to its clean lines and bold appearance.

Social media logo for a business called Social Magic. Edit

The graph, together with the circular social media profile-like frame, depicts the increase in social engagement that your company will provide. Indigo is a bold choice that will grab the attention of potential clients. The Biryani typeface is neat, thin, and simple, giving off a professional tone.

Social media logo for a business called Social Magic. Edit

The icon in this logo shows a hand waving as well as a speech bubble, representing the social aspect of social media. The pop of green in this logo adds the perfect amount of color, and green is associated with security, giving clients trust in your services. The Mitr typeface is bold and clear.

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10 great logo suggestions for your mobile phone business.


How do I create unique social media logos?

  1. Think about the aspects of your business that make it unique in your industry.
  2. Use a logo maker to generate some designs, and select a logo you like.
  3. Edit the logo to find the perfect font, icons, color scheme, and layout.
  4. Download your favorite design and use it to brand your social media business.

Where can I download free social media logos?

You can create, edit, and download free social media logos by clicking on "Edit" beneath one of our logo examples, or by going to our logo maker.

A great social media logo should be modern and eye-catching. Try using bold colors or a striking font to capture the attention of potential clients. You should try to use an icon that will become synonymous with your brand. It would be best to use an icon that is unique and somehow memorable.

Where can I download social media logo vectors?

With Zarla's logo maker, you can create and download your logo as a scalable vector graphics image for free.

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