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Pagan Logo Ideas:



Pagan logo for a business called Luna Mystique. Edit

Sheaves of wheat gently blowing in the breeze convey a soft, natural element that brings to mind ancient festivals and rituals involving offerings to goddesses of nature and abundance. The rounded Poppins typeface conveys open welcome and acceptance, while the soft red color palette attracts attention and highlights an energetic brand message.

Pagan logo for a business called Luna Mystique. Edit

Bright red draws attention to your brand and can convey a sense of urgency and caution. It combines well with the fierce image of the Norse monster, Fenrir, a feared giant wolf that was the enemy of the gods. The brush style of the El Messiri typeface brings to mind ancient scribes writing the stories of Fenrir — a great logo for a fantasy company.

Pagan logo for a business called Luna Mystique. Edit

The bold Ceviche One typeface brings a wildly delicious energy to this design that complements the nature-inspired icon. The trees before the magnificent mountains in the sunlight bring to mind spring time rituals carried out in nature, while the bright orange color creates a cheerful, friendly, and confident brand message.

Pagan logo for a business called Luna Mystique. Edit

The moon features in many pagan religions, such as Wicca, and is a powerful symbol of spiritualism and feminine energy. The addition of the mandala emphasizes the spiritual feel of this design, while the soft pink background adds to the traditionally feminine aesthetic of this design. The classic Cinzel typeface hints at the tradition of paganism.

Pagan logo for a business called Luna Mystique. Edit

The butterfly together with the green color palette highlights the worship of nature and nature-inspired spirituality that is one of the hallmarks of paganism. The subtly elegant curls of the Elsie Swash Caps typeface conveys an attractive personality and a traditionally feminine energy, complementing the pagan idea of a female nature deity.

Pagan logo for a business called Luna Mystique. Edit

Purple is a great color palette for a pagan logo as it represents spirituality, mystery, and creativity. Combined with the moon and candle, this design conveys rituals and rites carried out at night under the light of the moon. The elegant Cormorant Unicase typeface brings a unique, eye-catching look that helps the business name stand out.

Pagan logo for a business called Luna Mystique. Edit

The Gabriela typeface has attractive curls that help the brand name stand out and stay in customers' memories. It is contrasted by the stark, strong lines of the triangle, conveying the reliability and purpose-driven nature of your business, while the lush tree hints at the idea of the Tree of Life. Dark gray-blue adds professionalism to the logo.

Pagan logo for a business called Luna Mystique. Edit

This magnificent stag standing among the trees is a reference to Cernunnos, the Celtic horned god, or even to Artemis, the Greek goddess of the hunt. Dark red will attract attention to your brand while conveying the energy, excitement, and passion of your business, while the geometric Sen typeface brings a sensible, yet friendly character.

Pagan logo for a business called Luna Mystique. Edit

The dark gray color palette creates a soothing aesthetic and conveys a brand message of sophistication, maturity, and intellect. The clean Miriam Libre typeface has soft curves that complement the natural design, while the figure dancing among the leaves shows an appreciation for nature as a spiritual element in life and in religion.

Pagan logo for a business called Luna Mystique. Edit

A black and white logo creates a minimalistic, graceful brand that will stand the test of time and convey the style and authority of the business. The hint of a flame suggests rituals and the presence of spirits, while the retro Ranchers typeface softens the serious nature of the logo with a more light-hearted, fun aesthetic.

Pagan logo for a business called Luna Mystique. Edit

This feminine figure with flowers in her hair brings to mind a nature goddess, such as Greek Persephone, Norse Freya, or the Wiccan mother goddess. The cyan brings to mind the tranquility of crystal clear waters, while brown adds the comforting feel of the earth. Meanwhile, the Fjalla One typeface optimizes this design for online marketing.

Pagan logo for a business called Luna Mystique. Edit

This strong, gladiatorial figure links your business to a time when the Roman gods were worshipped and sacrificed to. The well-balanced Gothic A1 typeface takes control of the space, helping your business name to shine and hold its own against the strong icon, while bright orange conveys the energy and excitement of these ancient games.

Pagan logo for a business called Luna Mystique. Edit

The delicate Cinzel typeface combines the classic with the contemporary, just as neo-paganism does, creating the perfect base for your logo. As crystals are often used in rituals and for spiritual cleansing, it is a great icon together with the magical aspect of the moon. Dark gray hints at the mystery of the night and adds sophistication.

Pagan logo for a business called Luna Mystique. Edit

The dress draped elegantly around this female form brings to mind the dresses of ancient Greece and Rome, and the powerful goddesses they worshipped. The retro Cookie typeface complements this design, giving the icon a stand out, designer quality, while the black color palette shows sophistication, elegance, and professionalism.

Pagan logo for a business called Luna Mystique. Edit

The soft pink background conveys a brand message of warmth, softness, and playfulness, hinting at a friendly, comfortable environment for customers. The swoop above the trees in the icon suggests sunlight, complementing the warmth of the design, while the retro print style of the Caudex typeface adds a professional base to this brand.

Pagan logo for a business called Luna Mystique. Edit

The large, bold letters of the Bebas Neue typeface highlight the brand name perfectly when used on branding and in marketing. It stands up to the tall icon, where the figure in tree pose celebrates nature and spirituality by combining yoga with leaves. The purple color palette enhances the spirituality of the design and conveys magic and mystery.

Pagan logo for a business called Luna Mystique. Edit

Bright yellow conveys a positive, happy company and will grab the attention of passersby. The rounded Ubuntu typeface complements the color palette by exuding a friendly welcome to all customers. Meanwhile, the strong bull image brings to mind the Greek minotaur and can also suggest the pagan animist faith — the celebration of all life and spirits.

Pagan logo for a business called Luna Mystique. Edit

Gold stands out from the competition, conveying wealth, and confidence. The futuristic style of the Cormorant Unicase typeface complements the design with its elegant serifs and suggests an innovative business. The abundance of flowers around this elegant female figure suggests a female nature goddess that would be worshipped in neo-paganism.

Pagan logo for a business called Luna Mystique. Edit

The mandala symbolizes the universe in its ideal form, conveying the pagan animist respect for all living things and the cosmos. The handwritten style of the Delius typeface adds a personal touch to the business, assuring customers they can expect personal service, while the magenta color palette suggest universal harmony, complementing the design.

Pagan logo for a business called Luna Mystique. Edit

Salmon pink against dark cyan creates an elegant look and conveys hope and happiness for your customers. The simple wheat stalk highlights the celebration of nature in a contemporary, elegant way. Meanwhile, the faded style of the Averia Libre typeface resembles typewriter letters and gives the logo an outstanding brand capacity.

Mythological Logos

20 mythological logo suggestions for you to use and customize.


Norse pagan logo ideas should convey the Norse religion through icons such as gods like Odin and Thor, creatures like giants and Fenrir, or the Yggdrasil, the world tree connecting all the realms. Combine these strong icons with a nature-inspired color palette of greens, blues, or yellows, and a strong typeface, such as Gothic A1. Check out our collection of pagan logo examples for inspiration.

What should a Celtic pagan logo look like?

Celtic pagan logo ideas should highlight this nature-based religion with the use of spiritual icons, trees, rocks, the moon, etc. These logos should use natural color palettes, especially green, and soft flowing typefaces, such as Elsie Swash Caps. Try Zarla's logo maker to find some great Celtic pagan logo templates.

What are some good pagan logo images?

  • Tree of life.
  • Trinity knot.
  • Moon and stars.
  • Candles.
  • Crystals.
  • Female figures.
  • Nature symbols.
  • Animals.

Where can I download pagan logo ideas for free?

You can create, edit, and download pagan logos for free on Zarla by clicking on "Edit" below one of our examples or by going to our logo maker.

How can I come up with pagan logo ideas for business?

  1. Review your business plan and brand message.
  2. Decide if a pagan logo will be right for your business.
  3. Research your competitors' logos for inspiration.
  4. Research pagan symbolism to find an icon that best suits your business.
  5. Review color theory and choose one to three colors that convey your brand message.
  6. Use a logo maker to create some ideas.
  7. Choose your top 5 designs and ask family and friends for feedback.
  8. Use the feedback to tweak the best design, then download it.

Where can I find Viking pagan logo ideas?

When designing your Viking-inspired logo, research the Vikings and their religion to come up with some icon and color ideas. You can also use a logo maker or a design competition to get some great logo ideas.

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