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Nightclub Logo Ideas:



Nightclub logo for a business called Devious Disco. Edit

Appealing to partygoers and music lovers, the iconic rock n' roll symbol exudes an electrifying energy — an idea tempered by the monochromatic color scheme. With its mature aesthetic and association with growth and prosperity, the dark green hue lends a dignified charm, while Antonio is a modern typeface that complements a trendy brand identity.

Nightclub logo for a business called Devious Disco. Edit

Black and bright yellow form a visually striking color combination that evokes ideas of pleasure and mystery, making it perfect for an exclusive nightclub. The elegant letters of the Cormorant Garamond typeface elevate the logo's style, while the icon's captivating and sleek design enhances the dark backgrounds' devious and intriguing allure.

Nightclub logo for a business called Devious Disco. Edit

Due to its clean and versatile design, the Signika typeface stands out for its ability to work well on various mediums, making it ideal for those who advertise in print and online. While the cool blue hues evoke feelings of serenity and reliability, the old-school record player lets partygoer's know that you appreciate the classics.

Nightclub logo for a business called Devious Disco. Edit

The icon's clever representation of light and dark encapsulates the contrast between vibrancy and mystery, resulting in an immersive and theatrical visual. Miriam Libre is a boxy typeface that appears tough but refined, matching the color scheme's strong aesthetic, while the rich red hue infuses the design with bold energy, placing it center stage.

Nightclub logo for a business called Devious Disco. Edit

Monoton is a bold and dynamic typeface that creates an attention-grabbing visual, suiting a lively and contemporary nightclub. The bright pink lights exploding from the city hint at a nightclub that represents the youth and freedom in the city, while the dark background and cityscape denote feelings of strength, intrigue, and adventure.

Nightclub logo for a business called Devious Disco. Edit

A funky monkey makes for an unforgettable nightclub logo, thanks to its unique personality and humor — ideas encompassed by the energetic orange hue. With connotations of joy and creativity, the contrasting orange tones add depth and excitement, while the ZCOOL XiaoWei typeface's sharp letterforms lend a touch of class to balance the design.

Nightclub logo for a business called Devious Disco. Edit

Marcellus SC is a clean and modest typeface that sets the tone for this sophisticated design, complementing the blue color's prestigious allure. While adding contrasting shades of blue adds formality and brings the icon to life, the speaker fading into trebles is a clever visual that promises a fun and dance-filled nightclub experience.

Nightclub logo for a business called Devious Disco. Edit

Centering a skilled DJ in your logo promises a rhythm-packed and pulse-raising experience, while an exciting red-orange hue adds a fiery aesthetic to denote passion, confidence, and danger. The white Cuprum typeface, with its slender but commanding letterforms, offers a strong finish that feels authoritative and powerful but not overpowering.

Nightclub logo for a business called Devious Disco. Edit

A nightclub that offers live performances will enjoy this dynamic design, which includes a guitar and lightning bolts to visualize the electric atmosphere in your club. The purple hue exudes exclusivity and creativity while the splash of blue adds a calming vibe. Roboto Slab is an industrial-looking typeface that complements the overall design.

Nightclub logo for a business called Devious Disco. Edit

The Anton typeface, with its straightforward and bold characters, does well to add prominence to the brand name. Coupled with a dark purple hue, the sunny green tone of the mic is brought center stage, denoting themes of high energy and confidence. The mic's old-school look favors a brand that honors the classic aesthetic of exclusive nightclubs.

Club Logos

15 inviting logos for all kinds of clubs.


  1. Consider your nightclub's aesthetic and target audience.
  2. Research competitors' branding and logos to identify popular design elements.
  3. Use a free logo maker to play around with icons, colors, and typefaces.
  4. Show your logo ideas to trusted peers in exchange for honest feedback.
  5. Tweak the logos with the best feedback and download the best one.

Where can I download a nightclub logo design for free?

You can use Zarla's logo maker to generate, customize, and download nightclub logos for free. To get started, simply click on "Edit" beneath one of our examples, or use our logo maker.

A good nightclub logo should embody the atmosphere and exclusive charm of your club. Incorporating elements like vibrant colors, stylish icons, and unique typefaces helps create a captivating visual that will resonate with your target audience and promise a memorable experience.

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