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Monster Logo Ideas:



Monster logo for a business called Scarific. Edit

This cute fluffy monster makes a fantastic family-friendly mascot for any brand. The use of the monster hints at the creativity and imagination of the business, while the bright pink spot enhances the approachability and friendliness of the design. The rounded Sniglet typeface complements the fun design and highlights the business name.

Monster logo for a business called Scarific. Edit

The bright, lime green color palette stands out from the competition, drawing attention to this lively, creative, and energetic brand. This idea of creativity is continued in the spiky monster, the sharp points of which add a more serious element and lead the eye to the Zilla Slab typeface's industrial yet friendly character.

Monster logo for a business called Scarific. Edit

This angry looking wolf monster brings a hint of gothic horror to your brand, suitable for a business that wants to exude a more serious, adult theme. The point of the chin leads the eye to the clean PT Sans Caption typeface, ensuring your business name will stand out on marketing materials. Meanwhile, purple shows creativity and originality.

Monster logo for a business called Scarific. Edit

The funky Boogaloo typeface brings a retro artistic characteristic to your brand that softens the scary monster icon. This icon conveys the stereotypical bad guy, giving your brand a nefarious twist that can lead to fun interior designs and products. Meanwhile, tones of blue tell customers your business has expertise, skill, and loyalty.

Monster logo for a business called Scarific. Edit

Bright red draws attention to your brand and conveys passion and excitement for the business. The childlike Finger Paint typeface creates a family-friendly, artistic aesthetic that says children are welcome at your hands-on business, while the squishy monster invites speculation and will get customers thinking about your brand.

Monster logo for a business called Scarific. Edit

This ghoulish monster laughs ominously from the design, creating a haunted aesthetic that suits a business with a horror theme. Light grayish blue gives the icon a ghostly glow against the dark red background, while the informal Pridi typeface softens the scary nature of this design by adding an underlying joyful brand message.

Monster logo for a business called Scarific. Edit

Black is a great color for a business that takes its professionalism and authority within the industry seriously. It can also be used to create a gothic effect, especially with a monster logo. This monstrous figure holding up a slimy sheet creates a "swamp creature" effect, while the contemporary Laila typeface brings a friendly nature to the logo.

Monster logo for a business called Scarific. Edit

Bright orange shines with a cheerful energy that highlights a confident but light-hearted brand. The grinning monster face is a funky addition to any gothic or alternative brand that also wants to convey positivity, while the slightly rounded Asap typeface enhances the friendly aesthetic of this design for a more approachable effect.

Monster logo for a business called Scarific. Edit

The chunky Luckiest Guy typeface has a friendly characteristic with a retro touch that draws attention to your brand name and aids in brand memorability. The smiling slime monster brings a family-friendly vibe to the design that hints at a toy company, while light blue and white conveys a sense of dreaming, suggesting a creative business.

Monster logo for a business called Scarific. Edit

This terrifying creature screams out of the design with a sense of horror, working particularly well for a Halloween or gothic brand. The strong Zilla Slab typeface anchors the ghostly design and draws attention to your business name for brand memorability. Meanwhile, bright red adds to the gory aesthetic with a reference to dripping blood.

Monster logo for a business called Scarific. Edit

A snarling beast can strike fear into anyone and makes an interesting cautionary logo for an environmental-awareness business. The brown tone conveys a sense of warmth and earthiness that says customers can trust in your brand, while the geometric Montserrat typeface contrasts the natural aesthetic of this logo with an urban flair.

Monster logo for a business called Scarific. Edit

The vintage Concert One typeface brings a sense of prestige to the business that helps it to stand out and stick in customers' memories. In contrast, the animal-like monster in the icon highlights a childlike aesthetic that will appeal to families. Sky blue symbolizes the hopes and dreams of your clients as well as your business.

Monster logo for a business called Scarific. Edit

The strong, bright color palette helps this design to shine, giving the leviathan an unearthly characteristic that complements the monster theme. The monster itself draws the eye into the design with its realistic details, while the Source Code Pro typeface conveys a technical, computer programming style that suggests a technology company.

Monster logo for a business called Scarific. Edit

Sky blue evokes hopes and dreams, creating an anticipatory aesthetic for a toy store that makes children's Christmas and birthday wishes come true. The slime monster suggests creativity and innovation in product design, telling customers they can find any type of toy here, while the web-style Amatica SC typeface optimizes the logo for online use.

Monster logo for a business called Scarific. Edit

The warmth of copper creates a brand message of comfort, approachability, and homeliness. The original style of the Candal typeface adds a fun aesthetic that works well with the smiling blob monster to convey a family-friendly brand that exudes creativity, innovation, and a playful demeanor. This design will work well for a variety of businesses.

Video Game Logos

10 intriguing logo ideas for your video game business.


If you would like to draw your own monster for your logo, simply let your imagination run wild. A monster is an imaginary creature that can be scary, ugly, cute, big, or small. Take a look at our collection of monster logos for inspiration.

Where can I download monster logo ideas in PNG format?

Zarla's free AI-powered logo maker allows you to create, edit, and download your own logo in both PNG and vector formats for free. PNG format is particularly good for branding as these logos can be downloaded with transparent backgrounds.

Can I get my monster logo as a sticker?

Yes, if you use Zarla's logo maker to create and download your monster logo in PNG format, your logo can then be printed onto stickers with the PNG format's transparent background.

Where can I download monster logo ideas for free?

You can create, edit, and download monster logos on Zarla for free. Simply click on "Edit" below one of our examples, or go to our logo maker to get started.

Can I use a monster logo idea template?

Yes, you can use one of Zarla's free templates to customize your own monster logo and download it for free. Then, copyright your logo to ensure you have a unique design.

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