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Modest Fashion Logo Ideas:



Modest fashion logo for a business called Urban Refined. Edit

The charcoal gray color palette immediately shows the elegance of your brand and hints at mystery and modesty through the deep tone. The beautiful Crimson Text typeface complements the sophistication of the logo with its old style letters, while the moon, stars, and cloud enhances the sense of mystery and suggests nightwear.

Modest fashion logo for a business called Urban Refined. Edit

A tie lying over a hint of a shirt suggests modest clothing traditionally aimed at men, including formal and casual suits. The point of the tie leads the eye to the serious Alata typeface, which lends a monumental feel to the brand name, aiding in brand memorability. Meanwhile, a purple color palette conveys extravagance, wealth, and quality.

Modest fashion logo for a business called Urban Refined. Edit

A butterfly is a beautiful mascot for a clothing brand, suggesting customers will feel transformed wearing your modest fashions, and perhaps suggesting soft fabrics. Dark pink conveys the glamour and luxury of the brand, conveying confidence, while the Ibarra Real Nova typeface brings a sense of culture and tradition to the design.

Modest fashion logo for a business called Urban Refined. Edit

The contemporary Alatsi typeface encourages trust in customers with its calm, geometric letters. Pink draws attention to the brand name, aiding with memorability, while dark brown enhances the trustworthy nature and conveys comfort and stability. The proud figure shows off the modest style of the clothing on offer, marketing your brand.

Modest fashion logo for a business called Urban Refined. Edit

The universal style of the Philosopher typeface optimizes this logo for use in all types of marketing and advertising efforts, while the curled serifs add visual interest. The dark blue-gray adds a hint of sophistication and professionalism to the design, while the folded clothing hints at long sleeves and pant legs to modestly cover the body.

Modest fashion logo for a business called Urban Refined. Edit

The use of purple conveys the magic of high quality, well-fitted modest fashions. The coat in the icon shows how a modest clothing look can be fashionable and well-tailored, while the elegant Marcellus typeface enhances the sophisticated effect of the color palette and tailored icon, conveying a brand that is high-end and high quality.

Modest fashion logo for a business called Urban Refined. Edit

The clothes hanger shows the industry and focus of this business, while the moon and stars hints at the Islamic culture, in which modest clothing is a staple. The Cormorant Unicase typeface adds a futuristic aesthetic that suggests forward-thinking, innovative fashions. Meanwhile, shades of pink convey fashion, style, and sophistication.

Modest fashion logo for a business called Urban Refined. Edit

Shades of purple-pink highlight a business that focuses on quality to produce a sophisticated, extravagant clothing brand. A flower as the icon suggests natural and sustainable fabrics used in your designs, as well as highlighting comfort and transformation. The well balanced Nunito Sans typeface provides a solid base for the icon.

Modest fashion logo for a business called Urban Refined. Edit

This figure strides confidently across the logo, modestly clothed in business attire, highlighting your brand niche. Bright red helps the brand stand out and draws attention from passersby, while the classic Cinzel Decorative typeface combines tradition with contemporary style in a great brand message for a trendy modest clothing brand.

Modest fashion logo for a business called Urban Refined. Edit

Soft pastel red and blue add a gentle character to this logo that hints at innocence, modesty, and sophistication. In contrast, the urban style of the Montserrat typeface highlights a modern, chic aesthetic that is complemented by the trendy, street style of the jacket in the icon, while the circular frame hints at something for everyone.

Fashion Logos

10 elegant logo ideas for your fashion business.


Where can I download modest fashion logos for free?

You can create, edit, and download modest clothing logos for free on Zarla by clicking on "Edit" beneath one of our examples or by using our logo maker.

What are some modest fashion logo images?

  • Clothing with long sleeves and pant legs.
  • Long dresses.
  • Head scarves.
  • Figures with covered shoulders.
  • A mascot.
  • Abstract image.
  • A floral image.

Is there a modest fashion logo font?

There isn't a set font for modest fashion logos, so a business owner can experiment with different styles. The modest fashion industry should highlight modesty, professionalism, sophistication, and elegance, so try typefaces such as Cinzel, Crimson Text, or Caudex, which highlight these characteristics.

Can I use a modest fashion logo template?

Yes, you can use one of Zarla's logo templates, customized to suit your business, and downloaded for free, for your business. You can also copyright your design to ensure a unique logo.

What are some modest fashion logo ideas for clothing?

Your modest fashion logo should reflect your brand message and your business niche. Use an icon that has meaning for your business, whether that's a type of clothing, a mascot, or a nature-inspired icon. Your color palette should be soft and modest, using pastels and smoky colors, and your typeface should add elegance and sophistication, such as with the Cinzel or Crimson Text typefaces.

Do men like modest clothing logos?

A modest clothing logo for men's apparel can be used to highlight an air of sophistication and elegance, using images of suits and ties, or long-sleeves and long pants to highlight casual modesty.

  1. Review your brand message and business plan for inspiration.
  2. Consider why you're starting your business and how to portray that in your logo.
  3. Research color theory and look for colors that reflect modesty.
  4. Use a logo maker to design a few options.
  5. Show your top designs to friends, family, and potential customers for feedback.
  6. Use the feedback to tweak the best design and download it.

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