Accommodation and Food Services

Inspired logo ideas for accommodation and food services businesses selected by our writers and created using Zarla.

Vegan Restaurant Logos

10 compelling logos for your vegan restaurant.

Homemade Food Logos

10 delicious logo ideas for your homemade food business.

Taco Logos

10 tasty logo ideas for your taco business.

Food Truck Logos

10 delicious logo ideas for your food truck business.

Juice Bar Logos

10 satisfying logo ideas for your juice bar.

Restaurant Logos

10 mouth-watering logos for your restaurant.

Spanish Restaurant Logos

10 scrumptious logo ideas for your Spanish restaurant.

Italian Restaurant Logos

10 deliciously authentic logo suggestions for your Italian restaurant.

Thai Restaurant Logos

10 flavorful logo suggestions for your Thai restaurant.

Vegetarian Logos

10 nutritious logo suggestions for your vegetarian business.

Smoothie Logos

10 inspired logo ideas for your smoothie business.

Patisserie Logos

10 appealing logo suggestions for your patisserie.