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Light Bulb Logo Ideas:



Light bulb logo for a business called Retro Glow. Edit

This simple icon combines a question mark, pencil, and a glowing light bulb to cleverly convey notions of curiosity and creativity. The vibrant green icon captures a sense of learning and growth. The color is contrasted by the dark gray Play Bold typeface, which adds professionalism to the design.

Light bulb logo for a business called Retro Glow. Edit

An angular gear frames the light bulb icon in this design, adding a mechanical feel that makes it ideal for a lighting repair business. The weighty navy blue cog gives the light bulb a glowing presence against the transparent background, and the Righteous typeface complements the modern aesthetic.

Light bulb logo for a business called Retro Glow. Edit

The orange linework conveys passion, framing the contrasting blue energy bolt nicely. The transparent background allows the primary color palette to pop, while the charming curves of the K2D typeface juxtapose the slick linework in the icon, creating a friendly and minimalistic impression.

Light bulb logo for a business called Retro Glow. Edit

The yellow light bulb in this design is given a lifelike quality by the square academic cap, adding a sense of excellence and accomplishment to the logo. The pencillike accent directs the eye to the business name, depicted in the Lusitana typeface, which reinforces the prestige of the logo.

Light bulb logo for a business called Retro Glow. Edit

This clever overlap of a light bulb and electrical plug forms the image of a heart, creating a comforting impression. The navy blue color choice is prominent against the transparent background, while the tall characters of the Bebas Neue typeface complement the clean linework in the icon.

Light bulb logo for a business called Retro Glow. Edit

The contrasting navy and orange color palette adds dynamism to this logo, allowing the jagged electrical symbol to shine. This simple depiction of a light bulb is slick and modern, while the italicized characters of the Exo typeface reinforce the sense of energy in this design.

Light bulb logo for a business called Retro Glow. Edit

The open book in this icon creates an inviting impression and allows the light bulb to grab attention. The elegant blue color palette is associated with competence and professionalism — qualities that are reinforced by the refined linework and charming serifs of the Lusitana typeface.

Light bulb logo for a business called Retro Glow. Edit

This simple red icon creates a powerful and passionate impression against the transparent background. The swirling power cord adds movement and intrigue to the design by breaking the form of the light bulb, while the black characters of the PT Sans Caption typeface balance the striking icon.

Light bulb logo for a business called Retro Glow. Edit

The orange background evokes a sense of energy and warmth, allowing the clean white icon to stand out. The bolt, electrical plug, and light bulb elegantly convey the nature of an electrical business, while the clean lettering of the Saira Condensed typeface reflects the strong linework in the icon.

Light bulb logo for a business called Retro Glow. Edit

The contrast between the blue and orange colors is accentuated by the dividing zigzag bolt, creating a dynamic design that balances professionalism with energetic flair. The electrical plug completes the light bulb icon and directs the eye to the futuristic lettering of the Bruno Ace SC typeface.

Light bulb logo for a business called Retro Glow. Edit

The flaming figure in the radiant light bulb communicates a burning passion for learning and growth, which is enhanced by the bright orange color. The transparent background allows the black Blinker typeface to balance the vibrant icon. It's the perfect logo for an educational business.

Light bulb logo for a business called Retro Glow. Edit

The bright red and deep blue color scheme makes this design contemporary and eye-catching. The red icon highlights power and competence, with the sweeping line suggesting comprehensive electrical services. The white Heebo typeface appears to glow in this design, giving the brand name prominence.

Light bulb logo for a business called Retro Glow. Edit

Orange and navy are a classic color combination that brings dynamism to a design while remaining professional. The bulb, with its white star emblem, highlights themes of quality and excellence, which is reinforced by the dramatic sweeping line. The Kanit typeface adds a personable feel to the logo.

Light bulb logo for a business called Retro Glow. Edit

This abstract blue design is versatile, minimalistic, and modern. The rounded linework is contrasted by the jagged tail, adding a dynamic flair to this simple logo. This leads the eye to the Changa typeface, which balances rounded and angular forms, complementing the icon perfectly.

Light bulb logo for a business called Retro Glow. Edit

Simple, modern, and professional, the yellow accent adds the perfect amount of flair to this minimalistic black design. The prominent zigzag symbol is striking and thoughtfully mirrored by the italicized characters of the Exo typeface, which accentuates the impact of this logo.

Lighting Logos

10 illuminating logo ideas for your lighting business.


Where can I download light bulb company logos for free?

You can create, edit, and download free light bulb logos by clicking on "Edit" beneath one of our examples or by using Zarla's logo maker.

Light bulbs are an obvious choice for electrical or lighting businesses. However, light bulbs are also associated with creativity, innovation, and curiosity, making them a great symbol for education, technology, and marketing companies, among others.

How can I create a light bulb logo design?

  1. Consider the nature of your business and who your target market will be.
  2. Be inspired by existing logos and the branding of competing businesses.
  3. Do some research and gather images of fonts, icons, and colors that you would like to use in your logo.
  4. Use a logo maker to create some options for your brand.
  5. Request feedback from friends and family.
  6. Refine your design and download it.

Where can I find some light bulb logo ideas?

We've created a collection of light bulb logo ideas using Zarla's logo maker. If you see a design that you love, simply click on the image to experiment with different colors, fonts, and icons to create the perfect logo for your business.

Where can I download a light bulb logo in vector format?

With Zarla's logo maker, you can create and download logos in vector format. Vector images are great for branding as they can be scaled without losing any resolution.

Because light bulbs are associated with bright ideas and strokes of genius, combining a light bulb and brain into your logo is a great way of turning a light bulb into a symbol that conveys thought, learning, and creativity.

Try using Zarla's AI logo maker, which can generate hundreds of creative bulb logos with just a few clicks.

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