Launch your business with a free logo

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Many DIY options are free, but the average logo design cost ranges from $9.00 to $20.00 per month. More advanced design software can cost between $30.00 and $40.00 per month. Designing your own logo is the most cost-effective option as you can find 100% free design software for PC, Mac, and mobile devices.

You can also use online platforms if you prefer not to do a complete install. Designing your own logo only works if you have a clear vision of your design and reasonable working knowledge of graphic design software.

The Pros and Cons of DIY Logos:

  • 100% free.
  • Design your logo offline or online.
  • You have full control over your design.
  • Make small changes to your design at any time.
  • Limiting for those with no design experience.
  • Requires basic knowledge of design software.

Cost of Buying and Editing a Template:

Logo templates are generally low in price, many are free, but the average price is around $20.00 for a design. Buying a template is a great option for novice designers who have an idea of what their logo should look like, but lack graphic design skills.

A shortcoming of buying a template is that your logo design will not be unique, and many other businesses could be using the same or a similar design.

The Pros and Cons of Logo Templates:

  • Free options are available.
  • Templates can be edited to your liking.
  • No experience is required.
  • Your logo may not be completely original.
  • Software is required to edit some templates.

Cost of Using a Logo Maker:

There are free logo makers like that offered by Zarla, while other platforms charge around $20.00 for a design. Using a logo maker is one of the easiest methods for creating a logo, thanks to the assistance of AI technology.

As with logo templates, online logo makers have a limited selection of icons and fonts to choose from. This means your design may not be 100% unique.

Pros and Cons of Using a Logo Maker:

  • AI technology assists with generating industry-relevant designs.
  • Logos can be edited by the user.
  • Creating a polished logo is easy for users with little or no design experience.
  • Designs may not be unique.
  • There are a limited number of icons and fonts to choose from.

Cost of Using a Marketplace:

Freelance designers set their own prices for gigs, based on experience and the intricacy of the design. The estimated cost of using a designer is between $10.00 and $500.00.

Marketplaces are excellent platforms for finding international talent that can accomplish the design you have in mind. Some marketplaces offer the service of finding designers for you, making the search process easier. Using a designer can be pricy compared to other methods, but a marketplace allows you to compare skills and fees.

Pros and Cons of Using a Marketplace:

  • A unique logo is 100% guaranteed.
  • Access to international design talent.
  • Many websites facilitate payments to ensure that both parties are protected.
  • Search through designer portfolios to find the right fit.
  • Designs can be tweaked if needed by negotiating with the designer.
  • Marketplaces can charge service fees in addition to a designer's fee.
  • Experienced designers charge higher fees.

Cost of Using a Design Contest:

The logo design cost estimate for a contest ranges from $100.00 to $1,000.00. A design contest allows users to create a brief and has designers submit their best attempt at the concept. This benefits users by showing them exactly what each designer is capable of in the context of their idea and requested style.

These contests can, however, take a few weeks to complete. Many websites allow for several rounds of competition until a designer is chosen, or keep the contest open for a week or two before elevating it to the elimination stage.

Pros and Cons of Hosting a Design Contest:

  • View many design concepts before choosing a designer.
  • One fee is paid to host the contest, after which there are no additional designers' fees.
  • Designs will be completely unique.
  • Hosting a contest can be quite costly.
  • Contests can take several weeks to complete.
  • Not all packages include design edits or changes.

Cost of Hiring a Design Firm:

When using a design firm, the average logo design cost can be close to $100.00 for a simple design and $400.00 for a more complex design. It is estimated that firms that offer a full design team and unlimited changes can charge around $1,000.00.

For businesses at the enterprise level, a logo design is a more involved process. It is estimated that a job of that scale can cost tens of thousands of dollars. Hiring a design firm ensures that your logo is original and is more likely to be well-received by your target market.

Pros and Cons of Hiring a Design Firm:

  • Design firms offer a team of experienced graphic designers.
  • Market research is done to ensure that your logo is appropriate for your target market.
  • Clients receive a more personal service with dedicated support and attention to your needs.
  • Design firm fees are higher than other methods of logo creation.
  • In some cases, redesigns will occur additional costs.


A logo design's cost depends on how it is created. Designing your own logo or using an online logo maker is free, while hosting a design contest or hiring a design firm can cost up to $1,000.00.

Is there a logo design cost estimate?

For a simple design, the average cost should be between $10.00 and $20.00. Hiring a designer can cost upwards of $1,000.00, depending on how complex the design is.

How much do freelance graphic designers charge?

Graphic designers who are new to the field can charge between $50.00 and $100.00, while a more established designer may charge around $400.00.

$100.00 is a reasonable price to pay for a complex logo that is designed to your specifications. Freelance graphic designers charge slightly less for basic designs.

Try using logo design software like what Zarla offers. It's perfect for someone trying to keep costs minimal while starting a business. You might also try our AI website builder to build a site quickly and inexpensively.

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