What does a hotel website include?

Hotel websites typically include images of the rooms and amenities, lists of what customers can expect in the rooms, information on events and local attractions, and a reservation option. Take a look at our curated list of hotel websites for ideas.

How should a hotel website look?

Hotel websites often use a modern black-and-white color palette and a grid layout that highlights images of the rooms, dining, and amenities. Short blocks of text are also present to describe what customers can expect at the hotel.

What is the best hotel website in the world?

The idea of the "best" is subjective, but we've discussed some great boutique hotel websites and the content that works or doesn't work to attract customers.

Why create a hotel website?

When setting up your hotel, you should create a website so that potential customers have a place to read about your hotel's amenities, customer reviews, and pricing, and to see if their vacation dates are available.

Where can I find sample content for my hotel website?

Zarla's AI-powered website builder uses your description of your business to create a website with content for you in less than a minute. All the content can be customized for free, and Zarla will host your completed site for a small monthly fee.

What are some good luxury hotel website examples?

Take a look at our article on hotel websites for some great examples of luxury hotel sites and why they work.

How do I come up with a simple hotel website design?

Use Zarla's AI website builder to design and build a simple hotel website. The AI will write content for your site and will include stock images that can later be replaced by photos of your hotel. Zarla's tech team will also help with any content updates you would like to do for a small monthly fee.

Are there any hotel website design templates?

Yes, Zarla's website builder will create a website with content for you to customize to suit your business needs.

Where can I see the best hotel website examples?

We've discussed 6 boutique hotel websites from across the U.S. for you to use as inspiration when designing your own site.

Can I get hotel website design templates as a free download?

There are a few website builders that offer design templates for you to choose from, but typically the website builder hosts the site, rather than offering a download.

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