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Heavenly Logo Ideas:



Heavenly logo for a business called The Haven. Edit

Green is a universal color that denotes safety and generosity — both friendly qualities that will inspire faith in your brand and attract new clients. The rounded letters of the Dosis typeface build on the welcoming aesthetic of the color scheme, while the addition of a wing adds a theatrical twist.

Heavenly logo for a business called The Haven. Edit

The Philosopher typeface appears delicate and velvety, lending the design a sophisticated charm. The sunny and intense orange hues liven up the design, matching a whimsical brand identity, while the picturesque view of trees and birds creates a calming atmosphere that feels heavenly.

Heavenly logo for a business called The Haven. Edit

Oswald is a formal typeface that's bold and assertive, themes mirrored in the grayish-blue backdrop, which does well to balance the white details. While the tree's dazzling white hue has a heavenly beauty, its symbolism of spiritual nourishment makes it the ideal identifier for a faith-based brand.

Heavenly logo for a business called The Haven. Edit

The sharp but graceful flow of the angel wing accent echoes the sweeping serifs of the Philosopher typeface, creating an artful visual that's balanced and creative. Placing a bicycle at the center of your logo points toward a cycling brand, while a monochrome color scheme is distinct and memorable.

Heavenly logo for a business called The Haven. Edit

The image of hands raised in prayer is moving and kind, sending a sincere message of belief and trust. While the color scheme's grayish undertones help mature the design, the burst of green denotes hope and safety. The dainty Cardo typeface offers a refined touch that contrasts the icon's boldness.

Heavenly logo for a business called The Haven. Edit

With its broad, imposing letterforms, the Nunito Sans typeface commands attention on labels and banners. The midnight blue setting lends the design an alluring aesthetic that evokes the feel of nighttime, while the outline of a rising sun illuminates the dark with its themes of hope and positivity.

Heavenly logo for a business called The Haven. Edit

Zilla Slab is an assertive, boxy typeface that contrasts nicely with the graceful beauty of angel wings, creating a striking visual identifier that shines on branded items. Shades of brown mature the design and denote resilience and protection, both symbolisms associated with angel wings.

Heavenly logo for a business called The Haven. Edit

This whimsical design makes a statement in a deep blue hue, maturing the youthful qualities of the icon. Featuring a scattering of stars and a book, this design could work for a bookstore or publisher, while the elegant Cinzel Decorative typeface lends originality and provides a polished finish.

Heavenly logo for a business called The Haven. Edit

This logo opts for minimalism and subtle elegance with its blend of soft green and gray hues, which do well to add a hint of formality and ideas of prosperity. The slender but strict Cardo typeface lends the brand name prominence, while the flying package is suggestive of a global logistics sector.

Heavenly logo for a business called The Haven. Edit

The heavenly glow emanating from the open book is captivating, suiting a faith-based business that wants to highlight scripture and knowledge. With its connotations of openness and wisdom, the brown hue creates a trustworthy aesthetic that complements the honest letters of the Public Sans typeface.

Heavenly logo for a business called The Haven. Edit

The Sura typeface features boxy serifs that are both stylish and professional — themes reflected in the icon's contemporary reimagining of an angel. While the angel's graceful linework contrasts nicely with the strict form of the brand name, the bursts of red-orange adds bold energy into the logo.

Heavenly logo for a business called The Haven. Edit

The bright orange tone shines against the dark background, introducing opposing themes of joy and mystery. The sparkling runway cleverly illustrates the stairway to heaven, while the halo accents add a heavenly charm. The Cinzel typeface's delicate script appears gentle against the prominent icon.

Heavenly logo for a business called The Haven. Edit

The smooth, handwritten quality of the Pacifico typeface lends the design a romantic twist that's alluring and distinct. The figure reaching for a heavenly star evokes feelings of hope and accomplishment, while the light, bluish-gray hue offers both a refreshing and understated aesthetic.

Heavenly logo for a business called The Haven. Edit

While raised in prayer, the hands appear strong but peaceful, complementing the soft, vintage appearance of the Averia Serif Libre typeface. In a muted gold hue, the sunny detail takes on a bright aesthetic, while the color's wealthy symbolism speaks to your business's quality and exclusivity.

Heavenly logo for a business called The Haven. Edit

Comprising thick stems and sharp serifs, the Cinzel typeface holds its own and creates a statement beneath the solid icon. The doorway to heaven is cleverly implied by the open door, which also sends a message of comfort and kindness, while the rich maroon hue showcases your passion and confidence.

Faith Logos

15 wonderful logo ideas for your faith-based business.


Where can I download a heaven logo in PNG format?

Try Zarla's free logo maker, which allows you to generate, customize, and download heavenly logos in PNG format. To get started, click on "Edit" beneath one of our examples, or use our logo maker to create your own.

  1. Consider your target market and the message you want your logo to communicate.
  2. Research your competitors' logos to identify key design elements.
  3. Use a logo maker to experiment with different icons, colors, and typefaces.
  4. Share your favorite designs with trusted peers to gauge their responses.
  5. Tweak your design where necessary and download the best one.

Where can I find heavenly logo designs?

Zarla offers an intuitive logo maker that allows you to generate hundreds of heavenly logo ideas for free. To work from a template, browse through our examples and click on your favorite design. Alternatively, you can navigate to our logo maker to start from scratch.

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