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Electric Scooter Logo Ideas:



Electric scooter logo for a business called Urban Roll. Edit

The Roboto Condensed typeface has rounded, open letterforms that portray a sense of friendliness and welcome — a great brand message for an electric scooter business. The icon is a simple, minimalistic design that will appeal to a trendy clientele, while bright orange brings a fun sense of optimism and energy to this design.

Electric scooter logo for a business called Urban Roll. Edit

Small motion lines behind the scooter tells the viewer that your electric scooters are fast. The italic Exo typeface enhances this dynamic sense of forward movement and also conveys the technological field of your business. The use of dark blue showcases your professionalism and encourages customers to trust your product.

Electric scooter logo for a business called Urban Roll. Edit

Vivid orange dominates this logo and builds a sense of excitement in the viewer, while the white design can be seen as the pure energy of electricity. The wire and power pack on the scooter clearly defines your business focus, and the Rajdhani typeface's square letters convey the futuristic, innovative style of your brand.

Electric scooter logo for a business called Urban Roll. Edit

A lightning bolt as the handle of this scooter cleverly highlights your business niche. The addition of the bright green background may suggest eco-friendly electric scooters but may also convey the determination to succeed and grow your business. The Play typeface complements this bright design with a sense of openness and friendliness.

Electric scooter logo for a business called Urban Roll. Edit

The urban cityscape behind the scooter may suggest an electric scooter business that offers tours around the city in addition to renting their scooters for people to commute on. The structured Oswald typeface provides a solid base for this brand message, while the red shines through to grab attention and add energy to the logo.

Electric scooter logo for a business called Urban Roll. Edit

The Gothic A1 typeface dominates the space in the logo with geometric letterforms that are optimized for spatial distribution, bringing attention to your business name and aiding in brand memorability. Two scooters facing each other suggests family-friendly fun and discounts on bulk rentals, while blue highlights the business's professionalism.

Electric scooter logo for a business called Urban Roll. Edit

This scooter icon stands tall and proud, creating an inviting image that will encourage customers to use your product. The combination of green and cyan is light, fresh, and youthful, and will appeal to children and families looking for a fun adventure. The geometric Poppins typeface reassures parents that your scooters are reliable and sturdy.

Electric scooter logo for a business called Urban Roll. Edit

Light blue brings a sense of freedom, openness, and imagination to this design, conveying the idea of "the sky is the limit" — a fitting brand message for an electric scooter brand. A lightning bolt is a fun way to highlight your business niche, while the Krona One typeface adds a trendy personality for a cool, modern brand.

Electric scooter logo for a business called Urban Roll. Edit

The technological Exo typeface uses italics to create a dynamic sense of motion, which is complemented by the motion lines in the icon. This design seems to be speeding off on the electric scooter, heading out on a great adventure. The monochromatic color palette is a contemporary, minimalistic style that will appeal to a younger audience.

Electric scooter logo for a business called Urban Roll. Edit

The power pack discretely placed on the scooter's handle hints at the electric-powered nature of your scooters, while the Audiowide typeface's techno-futuristic stylings enhance the idea of technology added to improve the humble scooter. A blue color palette serves to show your brand message of being open to possibilities and innovation.

Bike Logos

10 memorable logo ideas for your bike business.


Where can I download an e-scooter logo in PNG format?

You can create, edit, and download an electric scooter logo in PNG format on Zarla for free. Simply click on "Edit" beneath one of our logo examples, or go to our logo maker to get started.

How do I come up with an electric scooter logo design?

  1. Review your business plan and brand message for key ideas.
  2. Research your competitors' logos to see what has been done.
  3. Look up color meanings and font designs to see what best suits your brand message.
  4. Use a logo maker to experiment with colors, fonts, and icons.
  5. Design a few options and show them to family and friends for advice.
  6. Use the feedback to tweak and download the best option.

Where can I find electric scooter logo design ideas?

  • Use a logo maker to spark your creativity.
  • Read through your business plan for design ideas.
  • Think about why you are starting this particular business — is there a story you can use as inspiration?
  • Research your top competitors' logos for design ideas.
  • Look at the current logo design trends, they may give you some inspiration.

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