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Dermatology Logo Ideas:



Dermatology logo for a business called Dr. Dermacare. Edit

The reddish-brown color palette conveys a warm, stable brand message that welcomes customers while helping them feel at ease. The rounded Sansation typeface adds a personal touch, reassuring customers that your business takes their needs very seriously. The full circular icon shows continuity and perfection, while the flowers hint at beauty.

Dermatology logo for a business called Dr. Dermacare. Edit

The legs kicking in the air show energy and excitement, hinting that customers will be ecstatic with your care. Green is a good color for this medical business as it represents renewal and rebirth, while the Roboto Condensed typeface's dual nature conveys your business's professionalism and friendliness towards customers.

Dermatology logo for a business called Dr. Dermacare. Edit

The retro Caudex typeface, designed for printing handwritten text, gives this logo a sense of tradition, giving the impression that your business is well-established. The reddish-brown color palette complements this theme, while offering customers a feeling of comfort. The intricate, abstract flower design draws attention in a hypnotic way.

Dermatology logo for a business called Dr. Dermacare. Edit

Bright orange brings a sense of freshness and excitement to this design, encouraging customers to trust in your business. The delicate floral design hints at soft, clear skin — a promise to your customers. Meanwhile, the rounded Poppins typeface complements the softness of this design as well as the open and welcome aesthetic.

Dermatology logo for a business called Dr. Dermacare. Edit

The near black color palette conveys a brand message of sophistication, elegance, and power, hinting that your business is an authority in the industry. The icon shows an abstract image of strands of hair, highlighting the specific niche of your business. Meanwhile, the epic Lusitana typeface draws attention to the business name.

Dermatology logo for a business called Dr. Dermacare. Edit

The Vollkorn SC typeface has a quiet, modest character that will work well with a dermatologist that has a restful aesthetic. The tranquility of the turquoise color palette perfectly complements this design and highlights the wisdom of your doctors. Meanwhile, the delicate frond symbolizes the rebirth and growth your business offers.

Dermatology logo for a business called Dr. Dermacare. Edit

The classic Cinzel typeface creates an overall effect of professionalism and tradition that is complemented by the dark background and harvest gold color palette, which adds an elegant and sophisticated aesthetic to the logo. An image of hair follicles and spots speaks to what your business does in a clear, creative way.

Dermatology logo for a business called Dr. Dermacare. Edit

Sky blue evokes a sense of trust in customers, encouraging them to try out your services. The leaves growing from the hair follicle suggest new growth, hinting at a dermatology business that treats hair diseases. Meanwhile, the Judson typeface highlights the business name with clear letters that have eye-catching details.

Dermatology logo for a business called Dr. Dermacare. Edit

The butterfly is a symbol for transformation, beauty, and freedom — all things patients with medical skin conditions will be hoping to feel after treatment. The professional Barlow Semi Condensed typeface contrasts the soft, flowing butterfly, adding visual interest to the design. Meanwhile, soft red brings a romantic character that is intriguing.

Dermatology logo for a business called Dr. Dermacare. Edit

Soft gold and dark blue are the epitome of elegance and sophistication, suiting a more high-end, exclusive dermatology business. The modern K2D typeface complements the contemporary look of this logo. The detailed trinity knot symbol conveys strength, friendship, and eternity, sending a brand message of welcome and quality care.

Skincare Logos

10 unforgettable logo ideas for your skincare business.


Where can I get dermatology logos on free download?

You can create, edit, and download free dermatology logos on Zarla by clicking on "Edit" beneath one of our examples, or by using our logo maker.

Can I use dermatology logos for free?

There are various logo makers, such as Zarla that will generate dermatology logo templates that you can edit and use for free.

How do I come up with a skin clinic logo design?

  1. Review your business plan and brand message for ideas.
  2. Research your top competitors' logos for inspiration.
  3. Use a logo maker to come up with ideas.
  4. Design a few options and show them to friends and family for feedback.
  5. Use the feedback to tweak the top-ranked design and download it.

What are some good dermatology logo images?

  • A facial profile.
  • A figure or body outline.
  • Hair follicles.
  • Flowers.
  • Shoots.
  • Butterflies.

Should my dermatology logo be in PNG format?

A dermatology logo in PNG format is good for branding as it can be downloaded with a transparent background.

Where can I get dermatology logo ideas for Instagram?

Zarla's logo maker offers users a free download package for their logo that includes different formats and sizes, including one that is perfect for Instagram.

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