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Cultured Logo Ideas:



Cultured logo for a business called Elegance. Edit

This classic chair exudes old-school style and quality, making it an ideal logo for a high-end decor or furniture business. The gold color of the design portrays extravagance, luxury, and sophistication, qualities that are reinforced by the elegant, round edges of the Kodchasan typeface.

Cultured logo for a business called Elegance. Edit

The blend of thick and thin lines in this icon adds dynamism that will intrigue your customers. It implies sensuality while also being joyous. This sense is enhanced by the contrast between the warm orange glow and the cool blue tone of the Arbutus Slab typeface, which looks neat and respectable.

Cultured logo for a business called Elegance. Edit

This badge-like logo evokes a sense of tradition and legacy, communicating notions of sustainability, expertise, and quality. The prominent black lines ooze confidence, while the shades of green convey balance and harmony. The Bree Serif typeface is elegant and complements the edges of the crest.

Cultured logo for a business called Elegance. Edit

Grace and style come to mind when looking at this logo, which is ideal for a beauty or eyelash business. The perfectly shaped eyebrows highlight an attention to detail, while the shocking pink tone exudes warmth. The confident brown lines of the Ubuntu typeface complement the icon's sensuality.

Cultured logo for a business called Elegance. Edit

Circles elicit a sense of perfection. In this design, the border also acts as a spotlight on the party favors. The gold color portrays quality, wisdom, and wonder — who doesn't want a magical event? The thick lines of the Quicksand typeface contribute professionalism and ground the festive icon.

Cultured logo for a business called Elegance. Edit

The solid Venetian red background conjures images of Ancient Eastern cultures associated with wisdom and ingenuity. Fountain pens are status symbols, and the association will elevate your brand. The Jomolhari typeface has its origin in Tibetan script, emphasizing old-world knowledge and innovation.

Cultured logo for a business called Elegance. Edit

This logo balances the delicate linework of the floral icon with the bold, thick characters of the text perfectly. The green color scheme portrays nature and growth. Lusitana is a classic typeface that's ideal for outdoor displays and other promotional items as it draws focus to the brand name.

Cultured logo for a business called Elegance. Edit

The scales of justice represent the balance between truth and fairness, capturing the essence of law and order originally established in Rome. The white and black color scheme evokes the theme of good and evil, while the classic letters of the Sura typeface pair well with the icon's clean linework.

Cultured logo for a business called Elegance. Edit

The sleek lines of the icon portray a sense of confidence and professionalism, which is intensified by the gold color scheme. The thick, black lines of the Rubik typeface enhance the themes of courage and conviction, making it ideal for signage and giving prominence to the brand name.

Cultured logo for a business called Elegance. Edit

The extensive use of squares in this logo communicates strength and efficiency. The blue color scheme, along with the blocked appearance, conveys precision, stability, and dependability, making it ideal for a construction company. This is reinforced by the square letters of the Blinker typeface.

Cultured logo for a business called Elegance. Edit

The simplicity of this logo makes it memorable and graceful. The negative space gives prominence to the delicate bow, while the decorative elements add a sense of movement. The evergreen color and the olive branches symbolize new beginnings, while the KoHo typeface draws attention to the brand name.

Cultured logo for a business called Elegance. Edit

Charcoal-blue conveys a sense of energy and inner strength. With the potential to be transformed into diamonds, the color may suggest that your business has the ability to turn into a gem. The white tulip represents honor, while the Vollkorn SC typeface brings trust and elegance to the design.

Cultured logo for a business called Elegance. Edit

Mandalas represent the universe in some Eastern cultures. The circular shape is symbolic of commitment, which is supported by the black color scheme, conveying professionalism and strength. The bold lines of the Baloo Bhai 2 typeface are ideal for displays and enhance the Eastern influence.

Cultured logo for a business called Elegance. Edit

The delicate lily in the icon represents innocence and is associated with life and rebirth. This is amplified by the youthful sea green color choice. The rectangular shape of the cellphone represents stability and practicality, while the Nunito Sans typeface underscores the design perfectly.

Cultured logo for a business called Elegance. Edit

Handbags are regarded as symbols of power and authority. Lavender is considered to be the "grown-up" pink, providing a contrast between youth and adulthood that makes this logo appealing across generations. The Sorts Mill Goudy typeface adds an old-styled chic to the brand and provides balance.

Cultured logo for a business called Elegance. Edit

The blue and gold color scheme adds sophistication to this old-school logo — ideal for an interior decorating business or fabric shop. The circular shapes represent growth and energy, while the triangles convey a sense of stability and structure. The Poppins typeface complements the classic imagery.

Cultured logo for a business called Elegance. Edit

This logo portrays sophistication and grace, making it ideal for a high-end beauty salon or nail bar. The brown color and leaves convey an eco-friendly business approach and reinforce a sense of reliability and dependability. The Federo typeface is ideal for displays and is highly legible.

Cultured logo for a business called Elegance. Edit

This icon of buildings nestled by winged accents is ideal for a property development business, suggesting that the sky is not the limit. The gray color is classic and conveys elegance, while the blue adds calmness. The thick lines of the Heebo typeface are great for display and outdoor signage.

Cultured logo for a business called Elegance. Edit

Strings of pearls are associated with being cultured and refined. The golden square draws attention to the logo, while the dark background creates an intriguing impression. The blocky letters of the Merriweather typeface complement the icon and reinforce the sophisticated appeal of the design.

Cultured logo for a business called Elegance. Edit

The seafoam green icon creates a hypnotizing effect that attracts attention to your brand. The color is suggestive of renewal and a fresh business approach. The classical lines of the Questrial typeface are ideal for web text, and its rounded letters create symmetry with the icon.

Modern and Simple Logos

20 minimalistic and trendy logo ideas for your business.


Where can I find the best cultured logo ideas?

You can use Zarla's logo maker to create, edit, and download cultured logos for free. To get started, click on "Edit" beneath our collection of cultured logos.

Which brands have cultured logos?

  • Versace.
  • Jimmy Choo.
  • Chanel.
  • Mont Blanc.
  • Bentley.
  • Lamborghini.
  • Neiman Marcus.
  • The Ritz-Carlton.

How do I come up with a cultured logo design?

  1. Research cultured logos and determine what makes them refined.
  2. Review your business plan and see how a cultured logo will enhance your brand values.
  3. Consider the different elements that you can add to make your logo cultured.
  4. Use a logo maker to design several options.
  5. Download your favorite design.

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