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Creative Design Logo Ideas:



Creative design logo for a business called Fine Summit. Edit

The beams in this triangular icon seem to be shining down on the tall, shadow-like characters of the Antonio typeface, giving your brand name prominence in the design. The shades of gray and pink juxtapose traditionally masculine and feminine themes, highlighting inclusivity and versatility.

Creative design logo for a business called Fine Summit. Edit

This geometric bird icon is simple, elegant, and an easily identifiable symbol that captures notions of freedom and new creative heights. The futuristic characters of the Audiowide typeface lend the design a modern air, while the tones of blue keep the design slick and professional.

Creative design logo for a business called Fine Summit. Edit

The abstract form of the icon suggests creativity, flexibility, and an appreciation for beauty and aesthetics. The deep orange color adds a tasteful flair to the design that pairs well with the black text. The blocky, solid letterforms of the Sen typeface dynamically contrast the fluid icon.

Creative design logo for a business called Fine Summit. Edit

This folded geometric icon somewhat resembles an origami figure, suggesting notions of skill and attention to detail. The shades of pink and muted orange give the design a subtle seductiveness and create a thought-provoking impression. The rounded Rubik typeface complements the edgy icon perfectly.

Creative design logo for a business called Fine Summit. Edit

The speech bubble icon is a great way of telling clients that you're an expert in digital communication. The hand creates a friendly impression, almost as if waving "hello." The clean Mitr typeface complements the linework in the icon, and the green and blue colors create a sense of freshness.

Creative design logo for a business called Fine Summit. Edit

The looped icon resembles a rejoicing figure, creating an optimistic appeal. The simplicity of the symbol is juxtaposed by the detailed linework of the Monoton typeface, which adds dynamism to the logo. The salmon-colored text against a dark background creates an intriguing contrast.

Creative design logo for a business called Fine Summit. Edit

This radial icon has a hypnotizing allure and evokes themes of connection, communication, and collaboration through minimalistic elements. The vibrant red color speaks to passion and creative energy, which is tempered by the blocky lettering of the Blinker typeface, creating a well-balanced logo.

Creative design logo for a business called Fine Summit. Edit

A brilliant option for a creative design company that specializes in photography. The framing hands form a camera in the negative space and suggest an eye for design. The black color scheme is modern and undistracted, while the dynamic Yeseva One typeface adds a subtle intrigue to the simple Logo.

Creative design logo for a business called Fine Summit. Edit

The energetic orange color draws attention to this thought-provoking abstract icon that vaguely resembles a squared infinity symbol. The pixelated accents suggest digital expertise, while the prominent black characters of the Alata typeface ground the design and give your brand name prominence.

Creative design logo for a business called Fine Summit. Edit

The combination of straight and rounded lines in this circular icon creates a striking appeal that is enhanced by the combination of flirtatious purple and sophisticated blue. The blocky characters of the dark blue Sen typeface underscore the design, balancing the icon perfectly.

Graphic Design Logos

10 inventive logo suggestions for your graphic design business.


Visit Zarla's logo maker and type in your business name. Then, enter a keyword to bring up corresponding icons. When you see a logo you like, you can edit it to choose the perfect font, icon, color scheme, and layout.

Where can I download free creative design logos?

You can use Zarla's logo maker to create, edit, and download free creative design logos by clicking on "Edit" beneath one of our examples.

Where can I make a creative design logo online for free?

You can use Zarla's logo maker to create unique logo designs for free. Simply enter your business name as well as a keyword related to your business, and the site will produce dozens of logo designs that can be customized to your liking.

A good creative design logo should push the boundaries by using unique colors, a bold font, or an icon that stands out. For example, you could use two bright colors against each other to make your logo pop. You could also try drawing your own icon to ensure that it is entirely unique to your business.

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