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  • Over 500k+ logos have been created with Zarla

Pomysły na logo dla copywritera:



Copywriting logo for a business called Prose Pros. Edit

Vivid orange catches the eye and draws attention to your brand, conveying the creativity of your copywriting business. The fountain pen on fire hints that your creativity and the speed of your writing is top notch. The pen seems to write the business name in the classic Cardo typeface, created specifically for the needs of scholars.

Copywriting logo for a business called Prose Pros. Edit

The modern, hand-lettered Krona One typeface conveys a personal writing service with writers who are aware of current trends. The monochromatic dark color palette complements the contemporary aesthetic, conveying the professional, powerful nature of your business within the industry. The pen on the computer screen hints at your service.

Copywriting logo for a business called Prose Pros. Edit

The pixelated squares to the side of the pencil suggest online writing and programs used for copywriting. The light blue color palette conveys the peace and serenity customers will feel leaving their needs in your hands, while the art deco style of the Righteous typeface adds a visually pleasing creativity to this logo design.

Copywriting logo for a business called Prose Pros. Edit

The rays of light coming from this pen give it a monumental, attention-worthy style that will draw potential customers' attention. Bright red works with this theme, and conveys your passion for your business and your work. Meanwhile, the gentle style of the Signika typeface lends itself perfectly to signage and marketing.

Copywriting logo for a business called Prose Pros. Edit

Using bright pink in your copywriting logo will help your brand to stand out from the competition and conveys a playful energy. The PT Sans Caption typeface offers a contemporary style that complements the simple and bright logo design, while the pen within the lightbulb suggests bright and clever ideas in your copywriting.

Copywriting logo for a business called Prose Pros. Edit

This lime green color palette bursts with youthful energy, conveying creativity, innovation, and modernity — perfect for a copywriting brand. The summery Lato typeface complements the warmth and friendliness of this design, while providing stability and structure to the design. The lines on the pen suggest a speedy writing service.

Copywriting logo for a business called Prose Pros. Edit

The curl written by this quill pen creates an old-fashioned sense of sophistication and elegance, referring to a tradition of handwritten text. This theme is highlighted by the bright, bold color palette, with the yellow-orange showing positivity and the black enhancing the sophistication. The Alata typeface complements the vintage theme.

Copywriting logo for a business called Prose Pros. Edit

The circular frame on the icon suggests all inclusive services, while the pen disappearing into pixels hints at your copywriting service. The Crushed typeface may have just been written by the pen above it and brings a modern, fresh aesthetic to this logo that complements the simple design elements. Orange highlights the business's creativity.

Copywriting logo for a business called Prose Pros. Edit

The slanted style of the Exo typeface seems as if it's just been written by the quill pen, conveying elegance and a forward-thinking brand message. The quill pen in the ink pot suggests respect for tradition and the history of writing, while the bright green background relaxes customers, assuring them they've chosen the best business.

Copywriting logo for a business called Prose Pros. Edit

The geometric style of the Sen typeface offers a friendly, yet professional look that works well as a brand message for your business. The feather within the chat bubble hints at personal service with a business that communicates with their customers to fully deliver on their needs, while orange highlights the brand's creativity and positivity.

Writer Logos

10 captivating logo suggestions for your writing business.


Where can I find copywriting logo examples?

Take a look at our collection of copywriting logo examples for inspiration. If you see one you like, simply click on "Edit" beneath the design to open the Zarla editor and customize the logo to your business needs before downloading it for free. Alternatively, go to Zarla's logo maker to design your own logo from one of our templates.

What are some good ideas for copywriting icons?

  • A fountain pen writing your business name.
  • A quill pen dancing across the logo.
  • A computer or laptop screen with writing or a pen on it.
  • A pencil.
  • Pixels above a pen or pencil.

Where can I download copywriting logos for free?

You can create, edit, and download a free copywriting logo on Zarla by clicking on "Edit" beneath one of our examples, or by using our logo maker.

How do I create some copywriting logo ideas?

  1. Analyze what sets you apart from other copywriters and how to highlight it in your logo.
  2. Review your business plan and brand message for ideas.
  3. Research your competitors' designs to avoid repetition.
  4. Research color theory to see how you can convey your brand message.
  5. Use a logo maker to look for inspiration.
  6. Create some interesting compositions with icons, professional colors, and clear typefaces.
  7. Show your top designs to friends and family for feedback.
  8. Make any suggested changes and download the best logo.

Can I use a copywriting logo template?

Yes, a template is a good option for a business owner on a budget and with little to no design experience. Zarla's logo templates can be customized to the business's needs and can be downloaded for free. Once you have a logo you like, you can copyright your logo to ensure you have a unique design.

Is there a copywriting logo font?

There is no set copywriting logo typeface. The choice of typeface should reflect your brand message, so try either a strong, geometric design like Cardo for a professional look, or a handwritten style like Pacifico to show a personalized service.

Where can I find copywriting logo ideas for Instagram?

You can use Zarla's logo maker to design and customize a copywriting logo and download it for free. The download package includes a file format that is perfect for Instagram.

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