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  • Over 500k+ logos have been created with Zarla

Airline Logo Ideas:



Airline logo for a business called Star Wings. Edit

The three swooping lines of this icon are an abstract representation of your airline and the process of taking off and zooming through the sky. Bright red radiates power and conveys your business's passion and confidence, encouraging customers to use your services, while the geometric PT Sans Caption typeface gives the brand a strong foundation.

Airline logo for a business called Star Wings. Edit

The rounded Poppins typeface symbolizes the reliability of your business while also conveying an open and friendly brand message. Soft gold highlights the quality of your airline and the services you offer, and dark blue emphasizes the reliability and professionalism of the airline. The plane taking off hints at safe travels and business growth.

Airline logo for a business called Star Wings. Edit

The monochromatic dark blue color palette is a strong design choice that references the skill and expertise of your airline, encouraging trust and loyalty in customers. The large geometric letters of the Roboto Condensed typeface show the strength and friendliness of your airline, while the abstract icon resembles a bird, referencing the sky.

Airline logo for a business called Star Wings. Edit

The circles around this plane can reference the clouds, hinting at safe flights that always make their destination. The purple color palette will stand out from the competition and indicate a luxury airline that offers customers extravagance, while the weighty Gothic A1 typeface helps the business name shine against the bold icon.

Airline logo for a business called Star Wings. Edit

The large triangle is dynamic and eye-catching, conveying the stability and ingenuity of your airline, while showing a subtly playful aesthetic that will attract customers. The rounded Ubuntu typeface symbolizes welcome to all passengers — a great brand message — and the black and white color palette highlights the brand's power and strength.

Airline logo for a business called Star Wings. Edit

A large abstract bird icon references the freedom of air travel and conveys the strength of your airline brand. Tones of blue emphasize the reliability and skill of your business, encouraging customers to choose your airline. Meanwhile, the Viga typeface optimizes the logo for use on screens, meaning the brand can be promoted in print and online.

Airline logo for a business called Star Wings. Edit

Green shows the vibrancy and life of your airline, as well as your hope for the successful growth of your business. The aerodynamic icon resembles the wings or the tail of a plane, and hints at the speed of travel. The PT Sans Caption typeface has a strong, no-nonsense character that conveys the professionalism and expertise of your airline.

Airline logo for a business called Star Wings. Edit

The lines behind the plane indicate speed and flight, showing a reliable airline that gets its passengers where they're going on time. Bright blue and white reference the sky and show the loyalty and perseverance of your brand, encouraging trust in customers. The Libre Franklin typeface adds a slight retro twist that complements the icon.

Airline logo for a business called Star Wings. Edit

Bright orange attracts attention and creates a positive brand identity, showing a creative yet ambitious focus. The icon looks like a paper plane, suggesting an airline that is family friendly and helps children flying solo, while the circular frame suggests the range of services provided. The rounded Rubik typeface completes this friendly logo.

Airline logo for a business called Star Wings. Edit

The unique curves and flow of the Maven Pro typeface complement the abstract icon perfectly, creating a logo that has a flowing rhythm that looks great on any marketing and branding media. The abstract wings show your business focus, and bright red grabs the attention of potential customers and symbolizes the power and confidence of your airline.

Travel Logos

10 jet-setting logo suggestions for your travel business.


Where can I download airline logos for free?

You can create, edit, and download airline logo ideas for free with Zarla's logo maker by clicking on "Edit" below one of our examples or by using our logo maker.

How do I design a logo for an airline?

  1. Research existing airline logos and get inspiration for icons and fonts.
  2. Choose colors that match your brand message.
  3. Use our free logo maker to generate some ideas.
  4. Experiment with different color combinations, images, and fonts.
  5. Take your top five designs and ask for feedback from your inner circle.
  6. Choose the best logo and download it.

Where can I find an airplane logo in PNG format?

You can use Zarla's logo maker to create, edit, and download an airplane logo in PNG format for free. PNG logos are ideal for branding because they support transparent backgrounds.

Where can I get international airline logos with names?

Try NameSnack, a free AI-powered name generator that suggests hundreds of unique name ideas from just a few input keywords. Once you have a great business name, go to Zarla's logo maker to design a free logo.

Where can I see airline logos of the world?

If you would like to look at different airline logos worldwide for inspiration, check out AirHex. Remember only to find inspiration in these existing logos, and not to copy images or color palettes. You don't want to infringe on anyone's copyrights, and you will want your own logo to be unique and memorable so customers don't confuse your airline with others.

Where can I find inspiration for an airline logo design?

  • Check out Zarla's logo maker for airline logo designs that are free to customize and download.
  • Go through your business plan and brand message for ideas.
  • Think about why you are starting an airline and how you can convey that.
  • Research your top competitors for inspiration.

Where can I download the best airline logos?

Try Zarla's free AI-powered logo maker that generates hundreds of customizable logo templates in seconds from just a few input keywords. All of Zarla's logos can be downloaded for free in both PNG and vector formats.

How do airline colors and logos go together?

It's very important for branding that your logo colors match your brand colors. If your logo uses different colors than everything else in your business, you may confuse customers and they won't link your logo to your business.

An airline logo generally has a sleek and simple icon that references speed, air, or flight. Bold colors show confidence, which is important for customers to trust in your airline to keep them safe. A good airline logo is completed with a strong, legible typeface that is clear to people from all countries and all languages.

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